I’m Going To Tell You…..


My name is Tara and I’m a teenager with her own mind trying to figure out what she want in the future. I love to surfing the internet, taking pictures and more. It all started when my mom said something about blogging and I’m curious about it so i checked it out. I still don’t know what I’m going to write and post but give it time, I’ll figure out something. Well, i can say that it’s pretty cool for me. i feel that i need to express my mind so why not? You can tried it through music, tumblr, instagram, blogging or anything else that can make you happy for being who you are. If you want to express your mind or you want to inspire people, you don’t need those fancy blogs. It’s all about being who you are. I have goals of course, I want to inspire people with this blog through quotes, my stories, pictures, my thoughts and my feelings. Probably with some music suggestion :). I hope that people can enjoy this blog and feeling inspired